Join us - TechNest

Unlimited development opportunities

Cutting edge

One of our values ​​is TRY HARDER. Therefore, no matter in which area of ​​communication you want to develop, we build the best competencies, which is why we guarantee that you will learn a lot from the best.


You can develop into a manager or an expert - both of these paths are equally important to us.
You don't want to close yourself off to one channel? This is not a problem for us if you want to develop in a multidisciplinary way.
Are you working as a planner and are you interested in working in the area of ​​branded content? It is not an insurmountable barrier for us.

carrying for
your development

The type of boss you have affects not only your development but also everyday job satisfaction. That is why we invest very heavily in the development of soft skills of our managers. Evaluation twice a year, individual development program, regular meetings - all this so that everyone does what they really like and feels that they are developing dynamically.


Our group never wanted to be the greatest, but we always wanted to be the best. That is why we are always the first to use the Google Marketing Platform or Facebook beta products that are not yet available. We were the first agency in Poland whose specialists passed Facebook Blueprint certification, the first reseller of the Google Marketing Platform technology, or an agency certified in the Actions on Google program.

Best Performer

We offer a dedicated training program not only to Managers. Anyone from our company can take advantage of such opportunities. Every year, over a dozen of the best employees take part in the Best Performer program.

Great atmosphere


This is one of our most important values, which is reflected in the attitude that makes everyone willing to work with you and everyone feels good with us.

We create a team that simply likes to spend time together not only at work
Corpo climat? #bleah

Space and the working environment are important for us

we have a patio with trees

But also how comfortable it is for us to work. Away from Mordor, yet close to the center. You can, for example, come to work by bike (shower is available), or SKM, because our office is located next to the Western Railway Station.

Do you prefer to work from home? We absolutely get it! We have permanently implemented a hybrid working model in the company. You choose where your efficiency is highest. We will provide you with the necessary hardware and software.

Current job offers

  • Job role




  • Junior Website Quality Service Specialist


    Umowa o pracę

    Warsaw / remotely


culture of knowledge sharing (trainings, champions' breakfasts)
private medical care
system of bonuses
hybrid model way of working, also after the pandemic!
laptop and Google Workspace package - thanks to it you can work from anywhere in the world
Multisport card and arcade game machine / kicker table
office far away from Mordor
English course

    Contact us

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